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2024 Events

Club Meet & Drag Hunt


2nd January 2024

The first half of this event will be a club meeting, awards from 2023 will be announced. The second half of this event will consist of the hunt itself which will take place around the Everwind Fields. Members will need to attend the event is a suitable outfit typical to that of old British drag hunting. Additionally, members can bring whatever horse OR pony they wish; it must be suitable to the activity at hand.

Mayhem at 'The Manor'

6th January 2024


Members will need to attend the event is full uniform with the club horse. This is a story / team challenge event. Members will play through the story, talking to witnesses and looking through CCTV, take part in games to unlock clues and answers ... in order to find out what happened to the Baroness' most prestigious race horses.


Training 'Carnival dress up'

12th January 2024

Members will be asked to choose an outfit which is bright and colourful to represent the Carnival theme. It's also advised to bring a club horse which isn't yet trained however you can bring any you choose. In this event, we will be training and playing a range of different fun and exciting games for members to enjoy!


Western Event

Yeehaw! Howdy cowboys and cowgirls. In this event we will be taking part in various western disciplines and competitions. Of course you'll need to bring along a western outfit appropriate for the event as well as any horse!

13th January 2024

Winter Trail Ride

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18th January 2024

It's the cozy season so you know what that means! Members are asked to bring a warm and cozy outfit appropriate for our winter trail ride, any horse is acceptable too. Along the way we will take club pictures and also play some fun and exciting games which most of you will have played before!

Show Jumping Antics

20th January 2024


We did a realistic jumping lesson where everyone had a horse that we wanted to work on something. "For example I stated that Chaos rushes into jumps and it’s something I wanted to sort out" said Rem. We had a warm up where we worked through the horses gaits and then did a few warm up jumps before putting a course together!

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Mafia Challenge

27th January 2024

Not realising how easy it was to get mixed in with these people ( nor how hard it was to leave them) SE found themselves trapped amongst this organisation. Now one us had made a mistake one night and the boss is looking for the culprit... if no one confesses the whole team goes down. SE decide it's best to sniff the rotten egg out and hand them in to save everyone else skin... #sorrynotsorry #everymanforthemselves Members will complete challenges to unlock clues and slowly discovery who was behind the mistake that almost cost them all their lives! Members will need to bring the club horse and a full black outfit that fits the mafia theme!

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Gartic Phone & Media Evening

I thought it'd be nice for us to get media for our socials. We need a few 'winter' seasoned events and for the spring - we won't have many opportunities to get these, for lots of upcoming do not involve our uniform nor club horse... Seeing as a media evening is not the most exciting for some, I thought it'd be nice to add gartic phone to this day too. We haven't done this before, it'll be lots of fun ( online games under one platform - free). You will need both uniform and club horse for this event.

28th January 2024

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